An extraordinary portrait

Nelson Tanate

Chef of the Librije

More than 11 years ago, Nelson Tanate started at de Librije, where he has grown as chef and right hand of Jonnie Boer.
They are a team, together providing the creativity, innovation and direction that comes with running a three-star restaurant.

Background and Inspiration

The ' Marigold' dish

This dish stars the Marigold egg, and is a golden example of the teamwork between Nelson and Jonnie.
After all, a classic combination of the Librije is caviar and egg.
This dish is an updated version, where the Marigold egg yolk takes center stage.
The flavors of potato, caviar, creme fraiche and the marigold flowers compliment the taste of the yolk.
When you break the yolk, the filmy yolk has an additional starring role in the dish - as a sauce.
"When people taste this they are on another planet"

A special recipe

Marigold 'Egg' caviar by The Librije

A crispy potato shell filled with Imperial Heritage caviar, crème fraîche, chopped chives and marigold, potato crisp, a velvety Marigold egg yolk, surrounded by nashi pear with a wreath of pumpkin seeds.

A special egg

Marigold 'Queen of eggs'

An exquisite white egg with a powerful yellow yolk and an intensely creamy texture.
All this pure nature, thanks to happy chickens and unique feed with dried africana.
Marigold has a blissfully velvety texture and tastes distinctly floral.
An ideal new seasoning in the culinary world.

Holland's first culinary egg